Getting tattooed can be painful - sometimes more or less. Depends on several different factors. Be aware about it and prepare accordingly:
Rested, relaxed and on time (as well nottoo early - max. 15 minutes appointment0)
NO Drug- or excessive alcohol consume at least 24h before getting tattooed
Eat something before your appointment - you need Energy
Bring something to strengthen you with you to the appointment (water, coffee, glucose are usually available)
Please inform me about any allergies, intolerances and medications
Please inform me in case you are delayed
I WON'T tattoo you by
EXCESSIVE consumption of alcohol/drugs 24h before the appointment)
Severe sunburn/solarium (generally not beneficial for tattooed skin)
Not reaching the age of 18 (unless you bring parental consent)
You only take off as much clothes as necessary. So the stencil can be placed properly on your body in natural position.
What I provide you:
A respectful and pleasant workspace in an atmosphere with great people
Curtains and partitions for enough privacy
Concealment options for intimate body parts
Whether dry or wet healing (with foil) depends on the style and stress on the skin - You’ll receive detailedinstructions at your appointment
Wash your tattoo with clean hands, water and PH-neutral soap
Don’t shower too long and avoid bathing for at least 1 or 2 weeks. It will soften your skin too much, impairs the healing process and carries the danger for infections
Apply a thin layer of wound healing cream/tattoo cream to your tattoo 2 to maximum 3 times a day
Color tattoos require more intensive, gentle care and generally a little more time to heal
Avoid sauna visits and strong sunlight (cover your tattoo)
Avoid consuming hard spirits for the first 2-3 days (it has a blood-thinning effect - can impair the healing process)
Under no circumstances should you scratch your tattoo!
Don't wear tight clothing that could cause friction
Avoid direct skin contact with animal hair (otherwise clean immediately with sterile hand and soap water) - in case of infections cortisone cream could be used.